Change API file structure
Don't know if you noticed but the file organization in the API is a bit different from the Library.
The API structure contains several functionalities inside the same file.
For example, the programming category contains UUID generation and the JWT
debugger, all implemented inside the programming.go
├── finance
│ ├── finance.go # => all functionalities in a single file
│ └── finance_test.go
├── programming
│ ├── programming.go # => all functionalities in a single file
│ └── programming_test.go
├── ...
In the Library we have cerate a file per functionality:
├── finance
│ ├── currconv.go # => one functionality per file
│ ├── currconv_test.go
│ ├── interface.go
│ └── mock_interface.go
├── programming
│ ├── interface.go
│ ├── jwtdebugger.go # => one functionality per file
│ ├── jwtdebugger_test.go
│ ├── mock_interface.go
│ ├── uuid.go # => one functionality per file
│ └── uuid_test.go
├── ...
If we start growing the number of functionalities, the API Go files can become quite large.
For this reason, before we continue with any other changes, let's refactor the API to be organized like the Library.
🏋️♀️ CHALLENGE: try to implement this by yourself before proceeding.
Each category contains a common/centralized function, the SetRouterGroup
This one we will keep inside the finance.go
or programming.go
It's the specific functionality code that we need to change.
Changing the finance package
So, inside the finance.go
file we just leave the SetRouterGroup
package finance
import (
// SetRouterGroup defines all the routes for the finance functions
func SetRouterGroup(f finance.Interface, base *gin.RouterGroup) *gin.RouterGroup {
financeGroup := base.Group("/finance")
financeGroup.GET("/currconv", getCurrConv(f))
// Add here more functions in the finance category
return financeGroup
In a similar fashion the finance_test.go
file contains only generic functions:
package finance
import (
financelib ""
func setupGin(mockInterface *financelib.MockInterface) *gin.Engine {
r := gin.Default()
v1 := r.Group("/v1")
SetRouterGroup(mockInterface, v1)
return r
We must also create the finance/currconv.go
and finance/currconv_test.go
the rest of the code removed from the finance/finance.go
Changing the programming package
Do the same changes for the programming
package. In the end you should have
the following structure:
├── finance
│ ├── currconv.go
│ ├── currconv_test.go
│ ├── finance.go
│ └── finance_test.go
├── programming
│ ├── jwtdebugger.go
│ ├── jwtdebugger_test.go
│ ├── programming.go
│ ├── programming_test.go
│ ├── uuid.go
│ └── uuid_test.go
├── ...
Wrap up
Run the tests:
go test ./...
Commit and push everything. Create a new tag.
git add .
git commit -m "refactor: one file per functionality"
git push
git tag -a v0.0.5 -m "v0.0.5"
git push origin v0.0.5
The next section is Improve API error handling.